Annemarie Koch

Annemarie Koch

Community Advisor

Sointula based cultural and community leader and former reporter and editor.

Annemarie Koch lives in Sointula with her partner Barb and volunteers her time on northern Vancouver Island. Her interests include natural and local history, marine and math education, and is a supporter of community and cultural initiatives.

Her volunteer activities have included chairing the Sointula Culture Shock conference committee in 2013, coordinating the annual Malcolm Island Doug Innes Memorial Malcolm Island Spring Bird Count and assisting with various local theatrical productions as well as BCMAS dance residencies. She is a former member of the Fretless Bargirls and currently sits as a Director on the Board of the North Island Community Forest Limited Partnership.

Her work has included project management and raising funds for the Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre, providing facilitation services for Western Forest Products CSA Certification public advisory process, developing business plans for the Namgis First Nation, preparing strategic plans for various North Island organizations and renovating and operating a guesthouse in Sointula.

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